Information on the protection of personal data provided pursuant to the UE Regulation n. 2016/679 (GDPR)
When you visit our website, you may choose not to provide us with any personal information about yourself or you may have the opportunity to provide some information that can identify you, such as your first and last name, postal or e-mail addresses. Please note that this information is required in order to contact you, to process your order or to offer a subscription. We want you know in advance how your personal data will be used. The policy is provided only for this website in question and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links.
Protection of Personal Data
We inform you that, according to the GDPR, the processing of your personal data will be based on principles of fairness, lawfulness and transparency, as well as the protection of your privacy and your rights. Therefore, in compliance with Article 13 of the GDPR, we provide you the following information. The Data Controller is (Company name: Sospiri S.A.S. Di Manzi Giuseppe & C. Pro tempore legal representative: Giuseppe Manzi. Registered office: San Polo 1097, 30125 VENEZIA. VAT number: 03780730275. Telephone number: +39 041 2412124. E-mail:
Subject Matter, Purpose and Legal Basis of the Processing
The Data Controller processes the personal data o fan identifying and non-sensitive nature, of the phisical persons, provided by you within the farmework of the contractual relationship (by way of example, but not limited to, name, surname, company name, address, telephone, e-mail) for the following purposes:
Without your express consent for:
- Pre-contractual negotiations and activities that, in any case, are necessary for the execution of the contract and its subsequent fulfiment, including registration in the riserve area on our website;
- The fulfiment of the bligations provided for by any law, regulation, EU legislation or by an order of the Autority including, by way for example, administrative, accounting and fiscal activities;
We inform you that, taking into account the purposes of the processing as above descrive, the conferral of data is optional but the failure, partial or inaccurate conferral of personal data will determine the impossibility to execute the contract.
Only with your specific and distinct consent, for the following different purposes :
- The sending by e-mail of newsletters and/or invitations to events or subcription to events.
In relation to the letter purpose, we clarify that the coonferral of personal data is optional. You can therefore decide not to provide any data or to subsequently deny the possibility of processing data already provided: in this case, you will not receive via e-mail any invitations to events, newsletters and opinion or liking polls. In any case, you will continue to be entitled to the services referred to under letter A).
Methods of the Processing
The processing of your personal data is acrried out by means of the operations indicated in art. 4 n. 2) of the GDPR, namely: collection, recording, organization, structuring, preservation, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by trasmission, dissemination or any other form making available, comparison, interconnection, limitation, erasure and destruction. Your personal data are processed both on paper and electronically and/or digitally, with organisational and processing logics strictly related to the purposes and in any case in such a way a sto guarantee the security, integrity and confidentially of the data.
Access and Communication
Your data may be made accessibile and/or communicated:
- To employees and collaborators of the Data Controller, in their capacity of authorised subjects and/or internal data processors and/or system administrators;
- To third compagnie or other subjects, who are contractually bound to the Data Controller, Who carry out outsourcing activities on behalf of the Data Controller, also their capacity of data processor, as the case may be;
- To supervisor bodies, judicialauthorities and all other parties to whom the communication is requered by law for the fulfilment of the above purposes.
Your data will not be disseminated.
Data Transfer
The management and storage of personal data will take place within the European Union on servers located in Germany of the Data Controller and/or third company appointed as data Processors.
Periodo of data retention
The Data Controller will process the personal data collected:
- For the purpose referred to under letter A): for the time necessary to fulfil the contract and, in any case, for no more than ten years from the termination of the relationship;
- For the purpose referred to under letter B): for a maximum period of 2 years from the date of the data collection.
Rights of the Data Subject
As a data subject you may at any time exercise the following rights:
- To access your personal data;
- To obtain the retification, updating, erasure or restriction of processing operations concerning the personal data;
- To bject the processing;
- To achieve the portability of the personal data;
- To revoke the consent, where applicable: revocation of the consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before revocation;
- To file a complaint with a supervispry Authority.
You may exercises your rights by sending a request via e-mail to
Autorization for processing your data
Dear Valued Partner, we inform you that according to the UE Regulation n. 2016/679 (GDPR) if you want to continue receiving our communications via e-mail we need you to indicate it. Otherwise, it will be impossibile to send e-mail campaigns that we believe are of your interest.